5 Must Read Books For Beginner Investors
With each new day, another person comes to me asking “Ash what should I invest in?” What do I tell them? Tesla? Bitcoin? The latest sh*tcoin going to the moon? No. I tell them the first thing they need to invest in is themselves.

With each new day, another person comes to me asking “Ash what should I invest in?”
What do I tell them? Tesla? Bitcoin? The latest sh*tcoin going to the moon? No.
I tell them the first thing they need to invest in is themselves.
I couldn’t agree more. If you really want to change the way you think about your money and make smarter decisions with it, you have to educate yourself about finances first. So to start you off, I’m sharing my 5 favourite books for beginner investors:
Naval is a source of genuine, pure wisdom. He's basically like if Yoda was actually a real person and he had an investment business. You know how Yoda has all that wisdom that seems simple at first, but it's actually deep as f*ck? Yeah, exactly like that.
This book is a summary of all his teachings, and I go back to it on a weekly basis to realign my thinking to ensure I’m keeping on the path towards wealth and happiness. His Twitter feed is full of gems—he honestly has more ideas in one day than most people have in their entire lives.
But if you really want to get some good understanding of how Naval thinks about the world, you need to listen to his podcast: The Tim Ferriss Show. It's just him and Tim Ferriss sitting down for hours at a time and talking about everything from money to happiness, from living life well to travelling the world in style. It's so good that once you get into it, you won't be able to stop listening until you're finished with every single episode—and trust me, there are a lot of them.
With a title like that, it's hard to imagine this book not being good for your finances. But it's not a textbook, it's a personal finance book written by the father of personal finance himself: Ramit Sethi.
This book has all the knowledge you need to make positive financial changes in your life, and what's more—you can actually use it. The examples are relatable and clear, so when you're done reading it, you'll feel like you've just finished a course.
If you are looking for a book that will teach you how to spend your money wisely and get ahead in life, then you should definitely take a look at this book.
Have you ever felt like your life is just a hamster wheel? Like you're running as fast as you can—and getting nowhere?
Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, knows how you feel. He spent years working hard and feeling like he was making no progress, then one day he realised something. There are some people who follow the path that society lays out for them: go to school, get a 9-5 job, find someone to marry, have kids, and retire. Then there are the ones who make their own path: starting businesses, creating wealth for themselves and their families.
Kiyosaki calls these people "free thinkers." He says that freeing yourself from a 9-5 job is not easy—but it IS possible. The first step is to become a free thinker yourself. So what does that mean? It means you have to be willing to try new things—like starting your own business. It means taking risks on ideas that may or may not work out, and it means being unafraid of failure—because failure is an essential part of learning how to succeed.
Breaking the cycle of financial dependence is a challenge that many people face in their lives, and this book will help shift your mindset to make it possible.
What should you invest in? How much? What's a share? How do you even begin to think about being financially secure?
The Simple Path to Wealth answers all of these questions and more. The book provides a clear list of points to avoid, and a breakdown of behaviours that will help you reach your financial goals. It covers everything from how to determine your risk tolerance to the best ways to find an investment advisor.
Reading this book helped me feel like I had taken my first step towards becoming an adult. The conversational tone and humour made me feel like I had a friend with me on this new journey, guiding me and reassuring me every step of the way.
If you're new to investing, or if you've been considering investing but are nervous about getting started, pick up a copy of this book. You won't be disappointed!
Money can be used to do anything you want, whether that’s buying houses, cars, and clothes or going on lavish trips around the world. The only thing standing in your way is how much money you have.
But what if there was a way to change your relationship with money so you could have more of it? Well, there is. And it's easier than you think.
The book “Your Money or Your Life” teaches us that by changing the way we see money, we can change our fortunes. It works like this: instead of focusing on just money, focus on your choices and what you commit your energy to. With the help of this book, you’ll become aware of your connection to the material world and will be able to use these teachings to build a healthier relationship with money.
By reading this book, you'll be able to make smarter choices that align with your values and will change your life!